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Frequently asked questions

Please check our frequently asked questions here before any purchase or question submit to us.

How and where do you deliver?
Currently we deliver within Klang Valley Area, we handles your order till the goods are delivered to your doorsteps.
What courier do you use for deliveries?
We will use Lalamove delivery services or our own delivery channel to send your orders in good conditions.
What is the minimum order quantity or value?
Our minimum order quantity (MOQ) is RM50 only!
Can I order products for same day delivery?
Currently we are offering only within 2 to 5 working days delivery.
What if I don't receive my order over 5 days?
Please contact us if you do not receive your order within 5 days.  We do use express delivery such as lalamove, grab delivery and other platforms which are the most reliable.
What happens if I’m out when my order is delivered?
Our customer service will notify you once you have placed your order to reconfirm delivery time and delivery location. In the event that you are absent at the time of delivery, we will ship you the order at a time convenient to you. You will need to pay a extra shipping charge.
Can I amend my order, or change the delivery date?
You cannot amend the order once placed.
Can I split-ship or ship to two different locations?
Please place a separate order for each shipping address for products being shipped to different places. Extra charges may be occurred.
How is the seafood and red meat packed?
Our frozen portions are vacuum-sealed packages that are shipped to you in an insulator and foam box. Easily stored in the freezer, you can pull the vacuum-sealed packages out one at a time as needed to thaw in your refrigerator.
Do you supply Halal Certified food?
Of course! In fact, we carry only Halal-certified frozen food products from chilled to frozen.
It is Halal conformance?
Yes, all our cutting items from our plant are Muis halal certified. Muis Halal Certification is voluntary and we carry only halal-certified products with certification from the various Halal-certification bodies so you can rest assure all items are Halal-certified.
What are my payment options?
We accept all locally issued Credit Cards (Visa & Master Card Only), online payment facility or PayPal.
How do I know my credit card information is safe? Is your website secure?
We do not retain your credit card information. During your payment process, you are redirected to the banks secure networks and redirected to our website once the payment is complete.
When will my card be charged for my order?
Due to the nature of our payments system, the full cost of the order will be charged to the card as soon as it is placed.
What if I’ve forgotten my password?
Don’t worry. If you have forgotten your password, you can always retrieve it by performing the following steps:
**Click on the Login/Register head on the top right hand corner of your browser.
**Scroll down and you will then see the text “Forgot your password?” Click on this text.
**You will then be redirected to another page.
Why is the website slow? Why does the website not load on my browser?
This may be because of the browser compatibility issue. Upgrade to the latest version of Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera or other standard web browsers for better viewing experience. Disable the pop-up blocker for this page.